Being a military wife and traveling for almost 12 years has really made me meet and interact with people from all walks of life. I am truly blessed to have made some lifelong friends along this journey. So many people to be thankful for. True friendships who will be in my heart till the day I die.
Today's giveaway, I would like to hear about what friendship means to you, and how it has helped you. Today's prize will be a free web formatted images (photos to share online with my logo) on disc with all of your edited images for either past or future clients.
DOn't forget to leave your email and name. Thank you.
Without friends, I don't think I would be happy here in Minot. I moved here only knowing my husband, being far away from my family. I was depressed until I met some very special people on this base, and it has changed my whole outlook. Without friendship, I would be one sad new mommy!
Jamee Lynch Moore
This is our third base.We started out at Eglin AFB in Florida.We met so many awesome people. Especially my best friend and her husband.After all these years I know no matter what we will ALWAYS be there for each other. Then we got stationed in Mtn.Home AFB Idaho.We met some amazing people there as well.And here we are in Minot.Even though we've only been here a year we still have met some sweet people I like to call my friends.So friendship to me means that no matter where life takes you,friends are the family you choose when your real family can't be there.New people to make lifelong memories with :)
Nicole McCarson
Where ever u go and whatever happens, u know u have someone there to help u out. Im just glad that ur true friends will accept u with flaws and all! And i know im not an easy person to deal with sometimes!
Friendship means everything to me. In good or bad times, friends are the people who are always there. Whether it is a lifelong friend, or one you have just met as an adult, it is the ultimate gift to give of your time and love! I love and accept my friends for who they are, as they do me :)
Friendship means everything to me. In good or bad times, friends are the people who are always there. Whether it is a lifelong friend, or one you have just met as an adult, it is the ultimate gift to give of your time and love! I love and accept my friends for who they are, as they do me :)
"There is nothing on this earth to be prized more than true friendship."
~ St. Thomas Aquinas
I have been blessed with many friends in my life time. But true friendship is only a handful. In my opinion, friendship is being there for one another, through the good and bad; giving advice, as well as listening; being honest and truthful, no matter how bad it may be; being considerate and always having their best interest at heart; holding ones hand in time of comfort, laughing about the craziest things and experiences shared; crying together while watching your favorite chick-flick. True friendship is never mean or hurtful; never envious or jealous. It is being youself without ever being judge. It is accepting of all your best attributes as well as your worse habits. Friendship is your second family. Well at least it is for me. They are the siblings I never had…my family…my life! I am genuinely blessed to have friendships like these.
Erica Castelan
For me friend ship is everything. It is that extra sprinkle of glitter added to my life. I get so busy between running to business, my boys, my husband crazy schedule, and just regular every day life, that my friend remind me to take the time and have some fun.
My friends become my family and my family has become some of my best friends as I have got older. Even my husband is my friend. Which I am so blessed to have a friendship like ours. We started off as friends and in the end when the kids are grown and have families of their own, and we are old and gray, that friendship is going to be even more special to us.
So you see friendship is just so very important to me.
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