Okay ya'll, you know me and you know how I just love doing what I do! :D Mother's Day is coming up and I wanted to do a free photoshoot for one lucky Mommy!! As far as what type of photoshoot this is, you may wonder... well it is whatever the lucky mommy wants. It can be a glamorous, boudoir (sexy), pin up or anything that the mommy wants for her photoshoot! To make it even more special, this special lady will also get her hair and make up done by the very talented Sieda Jones of Make up By Lady S. I will also have two honorable mentions who will also receive a smaller prize as well. I will also be giving a special something to ALL who enter.
So what do you have to do? Simply comment below this post and let me know why you enjoy being a mommy so much. In other words, what is the best part of being a mommy. You must also include why you would like to have your photos done with Nelly Hernandez Photography (other than because it will be a free shoot if you win, LMAO). For those of you who have beautiful angels in heaven, you too are a mommy through the eyes of God and therefore you are a mommy through my eyes. You can tell us what you enjoy about Life as well as why you would like a shoot with Nelly Hernandez Photography. You can also nominate a mommy. Tell us what amazing things this mommy has done that makes her deserve this as well as why you think she should have a shoot with Nelly Hernandez. It can be as long and as short as you would like for it to be. :) You will need to leave an email where I can contact you and your name whether you are commenting anonymous or not. Giveaway is only good for Minot and surrounding areas. Must come to Minot for shoot. You must also be a Fan of my Facebook fan page.
How and who will judge this? Well because this is a different type of giveaway, I wanted it to be more personable as well. I didn't want a random program choosing something like this, at least not for this type of giveaway. Therefore, I have asked four very talented and amazing photographer friends of mine to choose the one story that touched them the most. I couldn't do it because I'd pick all of you, LOL. Where's the problem, you must say. LOL. These people are nowhere near from the Minot, ND or surrounding area. And to make things fair I will not disclose who they are until the entries submissions are closed. At that time you will have a chance to view who these wonderful human beings are and admire their work if you'd like. :)
What does the Free Photoshoot grand prize include? The grand prize will include free sitting fee (either outdoor or indoor-will have to choose one), 15 edited web formatted (with my logo and for use online on Facebook, blog, email, etc). It will also include the high resolution images (DO NOT HAVE MY LOGO) for you to print, this will be given with a copyright release. This will also include a 20% off the total order of your prints, should you decide to order them. Editing also includes removal of scars, acne, cellulite, stretch marks or any unwanted blemishes. There is no commitment to buy anything. This will also include hair and make up Sieda Jones of Make up By Lady S. You get 3 outfit changes. This is only good for the one person winning the prize and other people cannot be added to the shoot. The three honorable mentions will receive $25 off sitting fee for herself, one 11x14 print, 2-5x7's and 4-4x6's of their choice should they decide to do a shoot with me as well as 15% off their total print order ($50 minimum print order). Everyone who enters will receive $15 off their sitting fee plus 1-8x10 and 15% off their total print order. For more information on package and sitting fee details, please go to my website www.nellyhernandezphotography.com and view the Investment tab.
I will allow you all to submit your entries from today to Tuesday April the 12th @ 10pm central time. I will then close it and no more entries will be permitted. That is when the judges will decide who gets the grand prize and will also let me know who the two honorable mentions are. I will give them three days to read over the entries. The winner will be announced on Saturday April the 16th morning sometime before noon. :) Best of luck to everyone, now let's hear them stories.
Why I love being a mommy :)
A little over two years ago I gave birth to a little girl with the biggest smile and eyes that twinkle like the stars.. Over the past two years, times haven't been easy living an emotional roller coaster. Those days you come home and just want to cry because it has been such a disaster or you really don't know how tomorrow will begin, I had Hailey there.. my sweet Hailey.. smiling ear from ear, that just instantly warms your heart.. Her giggle or her "Mommy"s, her big hugs, or the way she walks up to me and holds my face and just watches me look at her.. Its heart warming. People have no idea the amount of love a child holds until you have them.. It's an amazing feeling, waking up every morning to Hailey's smiles and hugs makes the days very worth it!!
I would love to have you as a photographer, I have seen your amazing work and the approach you take at photography is beautiful and not boring in the least. I love it!!
I love being a mommy because I get to teach and at the same time learn not just from him but from everybody else that is around me. I love it when he gives me the wet kisses, when is stinky diaper time and all he wants is to grab his diaper and I end up with all my hands pretty green lol...I love watching him sleep. Is funny how the most simple thing can give you butterflies. I can remember the first thing I said when I saw him, "he's so red" LOL I am not perfect but I know one thing for sure he's the love of my life, and i will try my best to get him to be a great man.
I will love to have this photoshoot because I will LOVE to feel like a star in front of the camera, also it will be very very cool too...all that makeup, and the hair.
To let someone know how much I love being a Mom I'd have to be able to let that person look inside me to see how my heart pops with pride whenever I get to see my kids.I'd have to find a way for that person to feel the admiration I have for how they've grown and are raising their own children. To feel the heartache I have when I hear that they're having,money problems,family problems,work problems.To feel the fear when I hear of any health problems they or my Grandchildren might be having.Most of all I'd have to find a way for that person to feel the unsurpassable love that I feel just knowing that God thought I was special enough to take care of these children for Him.
Nelly,should my comment be chosen I'm too far away in NC to receive such a great prize so I'd like to ask that the prize be given to some deserving Mother that you think would enjoy being photographed and pampered by you and your wonderful makeup partner.
May 25, 2009- I received a phone call from my grandmother telling me how she hopes to see me in June. That she sure does love me and would like to see her grandchildren because it’s not like she is going to get to see her great-grandchildren. I just said oh yes you will! I kind of just brushed her remark off. In June I went to see her and she was trying to give away all of her stuff and asking what I wanted of hers. Now I thought that a little strange and said I don’t want to do that right now! We don’t need to worry about it!
July 25, 2009-In a matter of 4 days, my grandmother developed Lymphoma and took her away from me. She passed away this lovely morning with doves all around.
September 25, 2009-I found out I was pregnant with love of my life Miss Madison! It was a complete shock but yet somehow, it felt like it was meant to be and that my grandmother knew it would be happening.
I now have a beautiful little girl born on May 9th, 2010(Mother’s Day). She was the only baby born in Minot on this day and I truly believe she is special and meant to be with us. When she was born she was not breathing. And all I could do was just pray to my grandmother that she would makes things ok. That Madison was supposed to be here for a reason and she wouldn’t let anything happen to her. 15 minutes of trying to get my daughter to breathe, she starts to cry.
I LOVE being a mommy to such a special and sweet little girl. Her kisses and little hugs are so heartwarming. We are living the “single parent” life together. My husband is currently in South Korea and has been gone since September 2010 and will not return till September of this year. These are the times when I love her hugs and kisses the most. Every morning walking into her room she jumps up and latches her arms around my neck and says “Momma, Momma” and I don’t ever want our little moment to ever end.
My little girl will be turning one next month. And I thank god every day for giving me the blessing to have her in my life. Through the good and bad, I know with her smiling face I can get through anything that comes my way.
Nelly does incredible work at capturing special moments and really getting to know a client. She puts her heart into everything she does and makes amazing pictures effortlessly. This would be my reason to have Nelly capture my pictures. I really don’t mind if I get the prize or not. Every mother is a winner in my eyes because of the strong passion, will, courage, and love that you have to have to be a mother. Good luck to all and Happy Early Mother’s Day to all of the AMAZING mothers out there!
I love being a mom because it has changed me for the better: Physically, emotionally and spiritually. When I found out I was pregnant I was shocked and nervous. I had no clue what my life would be like once this little person entered my world and I was deathly afraid of the unknown. Fast forward 8 months and one week later, and I was helplessly in love. Growing up, I never had a solid male influence in my life so when I held my son for the first time I could feel the presence of God. You see, up until my 4 month ultrasound I wanted a baby girl badly and so when the nurse announced that I would be having a boy, I was elated for my husband but a little sad for myself. On the day my son was born, I finally understood the meaning (or what I believed was the meaning) of God blessing me with such an amazing son. For the first time in my life, I felt secure in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. My son is the greatest gift I have ever been bestowed, and to know that he was created especially for my husband and I is simply divine. Some mothers complain of the changes that childbirth has brought to their bodies, me, I proudly state that my body is better than ever now that I have given birth. I feel so womanly and powerful and connected nature now that I have had a child, and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. Emotionally, my son has taught me patience, love, honesty, and most importantly he has made me humble. Every day I spend with him my patience is tested, my love grows, and I am forced to be honest with myself (about anything). I love being a mommy because it has blessed me with the knowledge of knowing that there is so much greater then self in the world.
I would love for Nelly Hernandez Photography to take my photos because I think that Nelly has a niche for capturing the true natural beauty of a woman. Recently, Nelly photographed a good friend of mine (Jessica-maternity photos) and I was captivated by every aspect of the photo. I would love to have Nelly take some beauty shots of me and the newly improved “mom body” that my son has blessed me with.
Why do I love being a Mommy? There are so many answers to such a simple question. First, I am someone who loves the feeling of being needed. When my babies wake up in the morning and come into my room they are so happy to see me that no matter how I feel, I can't help but smile. I love the fact that I know I'm creating two people who will have an impact on this world. My children are so loving and caring, they will give you anything they have and be excited that they got a chance to share with you... and I know that comes from me. There are so many people who are selfish, but not my babies... I know they are kind hearted spirits who just want to give and make people smile. I have my own struggles, especially when it comes to my weight, and no matter how hard it gets my children see me and every other person they meet as a princess or prince. I know that I taught them to see the beauty in everyone from a young age and that special quality will be with them while they make their journey through this chaotic world of ours.
I decided to enter this contest because it has been 7 years since I've had pictures taken of just me. I am so hard on myself that I can't stand being in front of the camera, even when I am with my children, and I know I need to do it if I want to boost my self confidence and once again be the type of person I've taught my children to be.
Sorry. DreamDragon2108 belongs to Sara Guzman... not sure why it posted my screen name and not my real name.
I love being a mom, not only because i get to wake up in the middle of the night and clean during poop, but also because the feeling of being loved unconditionally by someone soo small and innocent melts my heart. I became a mom on march 31, 2009. I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl ever. She changed my world in soo many ways!! Also it has brought me soo much closer to my own mom, and I am able to understand soo much more now that i am older. I understand why she did certains things when i was younger and i am more thankful. I think i deserve this because as a military wife and mom we go thru alot in our life, probably more than a normal civilian wife/mom. We should be able to get pretty once in a while and say "hey look at me I AM BEAUTIFUL, I AM ONE OF A KIND" Thank you.
Cristina L Scott
701 240 8324
Why I love being a mommy:
When i see the unconditional love in my kids eyes my heart just melts. I can not imagine my life with out my two beautiful children. When i see the smile on my sons face and his mischievous look i can't help but smile back even thought he just did something that i am not too happy with. When my daughter says mommy I love you and you are so beautiful,i know that no one else will see me like she does. I love being a mommy because kisses and hugs from my kids are the best thing in the world and my life is complete with these little angels in my life.
I really would love to win this photo because i do not many photos of me with my kids. Time is flying by so fast that i wish i could capture every precious moment i have with them. I have seen some amazing photos done by you and i think that it would be awesome to have some of those moments captured for us. thank you
olga bell
Why I love being a mommy
When we found out I was pregnant in 2009 it sure was a surprise but we instantly knew this was the most beautiful surprise there could be. The entire pregnancy went well, however it all took a bad turn in December.
The doctors noticed Nia had decels in her heart rate and kept me in the hospital at nearly 34 weeks. At some point her heart rate had been gone for more than 5 minutes so they induced me. It was an extremely long struggle and some of the most frightening days of our lives.
She was born at 34 weeks, weighing only 4 lbs 7 oz. The doctors said that she could have died and the fact that she only had to remain in the NICU for one week was a true miracle.
And she has proven to be a miracle each day ever since. We have been told several times she would be struggling with this and be able to do that late but until this day she has impressed everyone with her development. Nia is a constant reminder that life should not be taken for granted. She fought for hers from the beginning. Nia means purpose and I truly believe she has a bigger purpose in life. Her middle name, Jaina, means "gift from God" and to me that's exactly what she is. We are thankful that God has blessed us with such a wonderful child and that He has blessed us with another one on the way.
Being a mom may be a full time job but it is the most rewarding job in the world. Nia has been my reason to never give up no matter how impossible things may seem. She's my greatest inspiration and at only 15 months she is my strength and my joy.
Why I want to win this photoshoot with Nelly Hernandez Photography?
It's quite simple actually. Yes I have seen your work and think you are truly talented but I believe only a mother can bring out the true beauty of another mom through photography. No one else will be able to capture what is special about a mother like you will being a mother yourself.
Uhm, yeah, I was so into writing this comment I forgot to leave my e-mail...
I love being a mommy …
Because I’m fortunate enough to see my only son grow from toddler to little boy to man to husband to father; from awkward and shy to military leader; from blonde hair to dark hair to spiky bleached hair to buzz cut; from Delaware to New Mexico to Iraq to North Dakota; from pain-in-the-ass to best friend and confidante; from a humid east coast to desert to snow storms; from thousands of miles away to just around the corner. My son – my kid, my best friend.
Why I love Being a Mom.
I love absolutely everything about being a mother what is there not to love? I have two amazing little ones that I get to enjoy every single day, They make me smile and laugh in a way I didn't know was possible. But the best thing is just being able to hold and snuggle them close to me. It's amazing to me that there mine and that I gave birth to them. What do I love most about being a mom? Having the privilege to be there mother and watch them learn and grow.
Why I would Love to have my photos done by Nelly Hernandez Photography.
I absolutely admire Nelly Hernandez's photography, I am just now starting photography school and could only dream to have my photography look as stunning as hers. I love how she brings out everyone's beauty, and I would just love to be able to feel pretty for a day.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and for the opportunity.
Chelsea Guerrero julianswife@ymail.com
This is a good idea... but unfortunately, like 1 in 8 couples, my husband and I suffer from infertility and they only baby we have is one in heaven from a miscarriage. Most people forget about millions of us.
I LOVE BEING A MOMMY because I LOVE MY TWO CHILDREN.. I didnt exactely grow up in a loving happy home. When I had my son, I never knew that you could love someone else more than yourself. Or that another human being could possibly motivate to be the BEST at everything that you can be. My children are my everything, my all. They motivate me TO BETTER MYSELF when just any old other person wouldnt. Your children learn from you, therefore it forces you as an individual to grow up.. You only want the best for them, so you try to always set a great example for them. None of us are perfect thats for sure. So when u make mistakes, those kids still love you anyway. Unconditionally... The same way that you love them. And thats one of the main reasons I LOVE BEING A MOMMY... My two beautiful children taught me one thing in this world nobody else ever could.. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE <3
The reason I would LOVE this opportunity to do this shot with Nelly is because I LOVE her work, shes amazing!! I recently did a photo shoot with her, and she didnt even know it, but she gave me confidence about myself that I hadnt had in years. As mothers, and military wives, were often times forgotton and and we just go along with it. She made me feel and LOOK ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!! I still feel amazing!!! So, even if I dont win, Nelly gave me back something I hadnt had in years.. My confidence.. And ANYBODY would be lucky to have this opportunity...
A mommy of a different kind…
Many people would say that I’m not a mommy, but I know deep within my heart I am. I am a mommy of an angel baby who took nearly two years of fertility treatments to conceive. I never had the chance to hold my child, as my baby bean was taken away from me during my first trimester of pregnancy. My arms maybe empty, but I am still a parent.
Some believe that carrying a child, giving birth, and then raising that child is what makes a mother, but I beg to differ. Through my infertility treatments, I have always felt like a mother. My husband and I have made sacrifices in hopes of becoming parents. We’ve demonstrated love and patience for a child that had not yet even been conceived. I have, for two years, planned my life around a child that did not yet exist. I will do it all over again in the sheer hope of one day being a mother that has a baby she can hold, even if it takes another ten years.
It was the most amazing feeling in the world to hold that ClearBlue Easy test that said “Pregnant.” After two long years of waiting, trying, and hoping... we had finally made it, or so we thought. I know that one day I will be a mother in everyone’s eyes and I will truly understand what a blessing my child is because of all struggles. I know that I will never, for one second, take for granted the gift that has been given to me. For now, I’m a mom of a baby that was too beautiful for earth.
As for why I would like to do a shoot with Nelly… I know that she can do my strength, hope, perseverance, and commitment to becoming a mother justice. Her photography would show a woman who has been dealt a difficult hand, but has come through the other side with a new strength and a smile. She could capture that hope is still alive in this mother-in-waiting.
maryolin85@gmail.com -- Mary Olin
Why I love being a Mommy:
My daughter has helped me pull through some tough times. Before she was here I felt like life was just swallowing me whole like I had no purpose and couldn't seem to meet anyones standards. I even felt like my marriage was falling apart. When she was born her mere presence seemed to just wipe away all of the problems and things that troubled me. She is my little angel who swooped in, saved our marriage, and saved my life. I am stronger because of her and can't ever show how much I really cherish her existence. <3
The reason that I would like you to be my photographer is because I have seen what you can do. You can take any woman and make them feel beautiful, confident, and bring them out of their shells. I would like to be one of those women. Learning how to love myself has been a hard thing maintain. I think she could bring something out in me that no one around me has been able to.
(look under caitlin bumbalough on facebook)
Why I love being a mother!
Let me start by saying I am not a normal mommy. I am the mother to two angel babies that I never got to hold in my arms. I am a mother and not alot of people see that. I got pregnant after years of trying and I love both my children so much. I may not have a baby to hold in my arms today but I know one day I will. I have to fight everyday to become pregnant. My husband and I have been dealing with infertility for over three years. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of my babies. I would give anything to be able to hold them and kiss them. My children have changed my life and I only wish they were here to see it. I think Nelly is a great person for including mothers like me in this giveaway because all too often we are the forgotten mothers. I would love to have a photo shoot done by Nelly because I think her work is amazing and she has a great eye for what is truly beautiful.
Brianna Echerd
I would like to nominate a good friend of mine. She is such a beautiful person inside and out and an AMAZING mother. With two kids of her own and an FCC daycare provider, I see her motherly love shower over so many children.
While my husband was in Guam, my little man ended up in the hospital for a week and without any hesitation she took in my little girl. She asked for no extra pay, just extra diapers. :) When my children see her and her family their eyes just light up. She just loves them unconditionally. Her nurturing demeanor and that unconditional love is what I think is the epitome of the word "mother."
Why Nelly Hernandez Photography? Because Nelly's photography goes beyond the realm of just photographs and is true art. She's able to capture emotions and tell stories through her photographs. She's so diverse with her craft. And with the word "diverse" that also encompasses Nelly's photography of beautiful people of all colors and walks of life. I think Nelly's personality (even through meeting her for the first time rushing to get to my husband's Homecoming) was just so comforting. It was like I was picking up my best bud and we were running late as usual. But that comfort and easy going attitude will make it so comfortable to bring out that vivacity and spunk that some of us mother's lose a little of when we have children. I see her photography just make people feel AMAZING and CONFIDENT in themselves. I'd love to see this again in my friend and this is why I nominate Jane C.
I love being a mommy. That is all I have ever wanted to be since I can first remember. I simply wanted to be a mommy - that was all.
So when we lost our first baby at 4 months along, it shattered my world and rocked my faith. Why would God choose to put us through such an immense trial? What did we do to deserve that? Would we ever be able to have children?
After many trials, we have since been blessed with three beautiful, healthy, amazing children, and we couldn't be more thankful! We have three babies that we never got to 'meet' in this lifetime. We know that all life is precious to God and that we will get to be reunited with our entire family in His timing!
I love being a Mommy to our three children - and in addition to our immediate family, I have also been been a childcare provider for 3 years. So as a caretaker for 15 children every day, my role as a Mommy has become even more important! I love putting the needs of the children first, watching them grow and learn, watching them interact, and watching them thrive in their environment! The simple and monumental joys I get to experience every day are beyond my greatest expectations. I have the most wonderful role I could ever ask for!
I love being a mommy. I love being a mommy because it helps me remember to focus on the important things in life. Joy, hope, simplicity, traditions, and gratefulness are evident with every passing day... week.... month. I know that God has placed me in this role for a specific reason and a purpose. I love being a mommy. I am beyond blessed. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Why I love being a mommy.
Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of having a princess and being able to dress her up and do her hair and wear matching clothes. But when I found out I was pregnant something inside me told me it was a boy. I was excited, I wanted it to be a boy. There is no words to explain the joy I felt the day they confirmed that my little monkey growing inside me was a boy. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. My 9months passed quickly, many pregnant ladies complain that pregnacy was horrible. Mine was the most amazing thing ever, I was able to feel him move everyday. My precious belly was a remider that I was making a baby inside me, not just any baby, but MY baby. Many nights and days I cried thinking "Will I be a good mother?" "Will I have enough for what he needs?" Many questions and concerns would flow through my mind. One thing was clear though, I was going to be a better mother than mine. I will always be there for him and never leave. People dont belive when I tell them but when I look into those wonderfull eyes of my monkey I cry, I cry because even though my life is not perfect and I may not have everything in the world to give to him , he has me and I will always be his mother. He makes my life complete, before I had no purpose and now I feel like I am here to raise him and make him a better person. I love being a mommy because this is what I was born to do. He is my life and without him and his cute little smirks and smiles I would not be who I am now.
I want to win this contest because I want to capture every moment with my monkey. I take about 2-5 pictures a day of him because when he is older I want him to know exactly how he looked when I say he used to make certain faces. Nelly does such a great job at capturing the perfect moments to remember for ever and That is what I want. I want to remember my baby as he is now, my cute little monkey. (FYI Ive been crying this whole time hahaha just thinking of him makes my heart skip a beat.)
Why I love being a MOM!
Well as much as I love being a mom im not entering this for myself I would like to enter my own mum. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be the mom I am today. Through every stupid thing ive done she has always been right there loving me no matter what. Even when she found out I was prego at 17 she looked at me and told me it would be ok and that she still loved me and that we all make mistakes. She helped me through it and has always encouraged me to go after my dreams. I deffinantly wouldn't say i was a easy child I was pritty much the oposite but she gave everything to make sure her kids were ok. She is a mom of three and would give up everything first for her kids before she would do things for herself..So I would like to give her something just for her to show how much I Love her and am thankful that she is my mom and I beleive a photoshoot by Nelly Hernandez would be a nice gift and give her some time to herself
Hi my name is Liz,
I am a mom of 4 boys and one on the way. All under 7.
I get up in the morning and often clean up bags of cereal that have been dumped on the living room, cracked eggs on my kitchen floor, and sprayed Pam that is all over my stove and kitchen floor. I then go to change the diapers, get them dressed, feed them, try to brush their teeth, and then maybe I will get a shower. Many times I leave the house not having even looked in the mirror. I have my make-up in the car, beacuase it is only when they are all buckled up that I am allowed to put make-up on. The days continues, then bedtime, and we start it all over the next morning. My life has completely changed in the past seven years and with all of this being said I would not change it for the world. I could never express enough words of why I love being a mom. But I do know that everyday there is a new heartstring that is pulled in my heart that I didn't now existed.
I would love to have pictures done with Nelly because her pictures are awesome just look at her website. I love that she is a mom and knows what it takes to get children's pictures. I have 4 little ones and she would only know how much it takes from me to get them to look at the camera at the same time and with a smile. I would love to be able to have a professional photo shoot with my boys. I have never myself been in a picture with them all professionally.
Well, I gotta go. Since I have been typing this, Owen, has climbed up the kitchen counter and t cheerios on the floor. No LIE!!! Gotta clean up the mess. Thanks for this opportunity to share. Have a great Mother's Day everyone!
Liz Vibeto- lizvibeto@msn.com
I nominate Sarah Amick for the photo shoot, she is a awesome mommy to 2 adorable little girls and 1 handsome little boy.. She is also the most patient and loving wife to her husband..
I love being a mommy because it's the hardest job I've ever had. Ever day my patience is pushed, my sanity is questioned, and my will is tried. And every day I thank my daughter for making me a stronger person.
My family is my world. I don’t know how I could possibly live without them. My husband, Shane, is the love of my life. We have been through both very good and extremely bad times and have come through them all praising God for keeping us together. We had two miscarriages in 2005 which caused a lot of emotional pain for me. During my first miscarriage, while I was still hoping for the best, I wrote the following poem:
My Valley
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death;
You give me strength to sing.
Only you know why I am going through this trial.
I can rest in your comforting arms.
Not knowing what the future holds for this life inside of me;
I give this child to you.
Like Hannah gave you Samuel before he was born,
Like Abraham gave you Isaac before the sacrifice,
I trust your will.
When I rest upon wings as eagles;
You will give me strength.
I shall run through this valley and not be weary.
I shall walk and not be faint.
Since then, I have had 2 beautiful girls, Kendal and Audrey. Kendal means "ruler of the valley." I named her this because she overcame the valley of death that I had experienced before. Both girls are such a blessing to me. I can’t describe the joy that pours from my soul because of them. Being a mama is not easy but I would not trade it for the world!
Although I have not met you (Nelly) personally...I know you have a beautiful heart! Your work is amazing and your eye through the camera is unique! I would love to have my photos taken by you :)
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