I am not one of those photographers that has a story that starts out like many other photographers that say, "back when i was a little girl/boy, my grandfather gave me a nikon...." Nope, that is not me. I have always loved "taking pictures". I always managed being the one in my family taking all of the photos for parties with either my digital point and shoot or my disposable camera. Haha, yes, disposable. I am just like most moms that love taking 1,001 photos a day of their children. I thought, well I need a better camera to take better photos, LOL. In March 2009, my dear husband surprised me with a Nikon D60 kit. I was ever so excited. I hugged that box like it was a newborn baby. As I opened the box in excitement, all i could picture in my mind was how wonderful of photographs I was going to be taking of my kids. No, at that moment, not once, did it ever cross my mind I wanted to be a photographer. My dream was always to become a Psychiatrist. At 26, I only had a Bachelors in Psychology, and my love/hate for school was just not going to work to continue to med school. However, I wasn't upset about that. I was happy. I was happy with what I had and that I had an amazingly little family.... SOOO back to my camera. I opened up that baby and saw sooooo many buttons. WOW! I thought, I wonder what this A, S, P, M mean? Yes, i had no clue what any of those meant. I think the only thing I was familiar with in my camera was AUto, on and Off button.
One of my first shots with my Nikon D60 in auto. :) My handsome son JR.
I started just like any other excited camera owner to click away and take a million photos of my kiddos. Uploading them on to my computer would excite me even more as the photos were better than that of my older camera. However, they still didn't look like the photos I had in mind. I figured, well with an expensive professional camera, my photos should look professional. LOL.
Common rookie mistake, huh? I got on the internet, read reviews and all on what I thought was a professional camera only to find out it was an entry level camera with a kit lens. Okay I thought, so what can I do now to make my photographs better... I got on photography forums and got a hold of one of the best books you could ever read to teach you how to get out of manual. I bought Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. Since I had no clue what any of this fancy photography lingo meant, this book was perfect for me. I would read a page maybe about three to four times, sometimes more, and try the exercise. Since I knew my kids would not stay still long enough for me to try different settings on them (also since i had to slowly move my settings with my manual next to me) I started out with me as the model. Yup, my toes were my very first models when I started learning. I had so many photos of my toes. See, what I would do was lay in my couch, put my feet up and read and have my camera , manual and Understanding Exposure book next to me. I did so many photos of my toes, some to get everything clear, others to get just my toes in focus. I started to learn slowly but surely.
Yes, I am aware my toes are not the prettiest models. LOL.
Yes, i am aware that it is totally blown out, but it was my first photo of myself with my camera.... I guess you can say a self portrait. :)
From then on I got hooked. I wanted to learn more. I bought more books, I read more photography forums. I took pictures of everyone and everything around me, literally.

I still hadn't realized I wanted to do this professionally. I was just intrigued by this thing called photography. Little did I know, Photography had always been there, waiting for me to make my grand entrance, even if it was photographing my toes. In 2010 I decided to do this as a career. Yes, I still had very little clue of what I was doing, but I knew that is what I wanted. I decided to give it my all and even if I had to fail at it over and over again, I decided I was not going to give up. I had the support of my husband who has always supported me on no matter what I have chosen, even if the ideas may seem crazy to many at the time. haha. Even more so I had the support of my very best friend in Germany, Alia, who was just as excited for me. I had never seen someone so excited for someone else's passion. She was so wonderful and would always be so supportive in everything. Throughout time I met a lot of amazing people who also shared my passion and pushed me to learn more, to be more. They are in great part the reason why I am who I am today. There were times I amazed myself and others where ummm... not so much. There were days I felt discouraged and felt like I could never learn all there is to learn. However, I found out, I am NEVER going to know it all. But that is okay. It is good to know, because I will always continue to want to learn more.
I was blessed to come across an amazing photographer who has had his work published and is very awesome at what he does. I found him on Model Mayhem. He extended and invite for me to meet up with local German photographers. I was thrilled. As I looked on to his work I saw he offered workshops . I was thrilled, only thing was... they were in German. I messaged him and asked if he would give me the workshop in english and that i would pay whatever it was. He gave me a deal to gather at least three to four more English speaking photographers interested. Now this would be a lighting workshop. He advised me I would have to know all of the basics and be well acquainted with my camera. The following weeks, not only did i study like a mad person to get to know my camera, but I looked for those four who will be willing to invest in their education. That workshop helped me find my style and find myself. Gero continues to be a personal mentor as well as a friend to me, which I am very thankful for.

Today, I continue to learn, I continue to attend online workshops, buy books, experiment like crazy. There are days I feel extremely inadequate next to some of my amazing photography colleagues. However, I come to the realization, this is who I am. Photography chose me, this is my calling. I will not give up. I will continue to strive.

Model: Me
Photo taken by an amazing friend/photographer of mine Jenn W.
So after reading that long book. :D I would like for you to tell me what dreams and goals you are fighting for, your struggles, and why it is worth it to you. Leave a comment below this blog post along with your name and an email. I will be using random.org to choose the winner. However, I love to read some of the inspiring things people go through. As a thank you for reaching over 2,000 fans I will be giving a free Boudoir/Glamour Photoshoot. This will include sitting fee and a fully edited CD with up to 15 images with a copyright release. If you would like a family sitting instead, you can also trade it in for one of those as well. :) Best of luck to all!!!
You rock Nelly! Be proud for all you have worked so hard for. You have earned those fans though sweat, tears, and dang hard work!!! :)
I am very impressed with how far you have come. I think the shots of your toes were good lol. Out of curiousity, where in Germany were you? Im so glad you had such a supportive husband. And your photos are beautiful =) I posted my email as my name but im also on facebook at Holly Lawrence. Picture is of my baby girl with santa =) keep lighting up the world one photo at a time
My dream is to become a nurse anesthesist, and my main struggle right now is getting school done. It's so hard being in thr military with the hours I work. But I needed to join to get the GI bill because without it I never would have been able to afford the schooling I need. Not to mention nerves of going back to school! Haha
Thank you Jenn!!! :) @Holly, I was in Stuttgart, Germany. Thank you for your comment, but don't forget to submit what is your dream or goal. :)
My dreams and goals have all been fulfilled, I feel so lucky to have everything I could ever need or want.I have a healthy and happy daughter and a very supportive husband. I want to strive to be a better person and help other people who aren't as fortunate. My only goal is to go back to college and finish. I want to make a difference to people who have had a rough life or do not stand a chance to be happy. Everyone deserves a little happiness in life. I am very impressed with your work and its beautiful, being a mom is busy enough. Keep up the good work. Thanks
Tashia- Tash_morgan@yahoo.com
Wow, what is my dream? I have had so many over the years. I use to want to model professionally. Which for me was a big deal because as a young woman I never thought I looked amazing. I remember taking Glamour Shots as a senior in high school and the photographer told me I should model. I actually pursued it and then became a mom and to me that meant more than breaking into the profession. So, now my dream is to be a Christian motivational speaker, specifically for women. I want every woman to recognize their worth and beauty as God sees them.
Tosha (Lrrichard76@yahoo.com)
My dream has been fulfilled already. I was back in August of 2010 i would never be a Mom ever. Well in October of 2010 i found out i was pregnant. And in July i had a very healthy little girl. Seeing her just renewed my interest in becoming a teacher. I have been told they dont make a lot of money, but i have never been in it for the money, im in it for the kids. So im working towards a degree in elementary education now =)
My dream had changed a lot like yours! I had always wanted and assumed I would be a lawyer. I had worked through college as a law clerk, applied to law school, and was prepared to go. Over the summer before law school, I took a substitute job to 'round out my resume.' It only took one week with a class of first graders for me to fall in love with teaching. Instead of law school I got a Masters in Education, and it was the best decision I ever made. Being a teacher opened up my heart and mind, and made me look at life so much differently. I was once a career minded woman; happy with a childless workaholic life. Now I am no only a teacher, but a mother. I never regret the change in paths that I took, because I truly believe this is where I was meant to end up! :)
My name is Elizabeth. Im a mother of three( including one dog), a wife, daughter, babysister, student and christian. Everything I set my mind to I give 100%. Over the past year I have lived my dream. I married my best friend, had his baby and learned to love more than I already did! See..A year and a half ago I had just begun dating him..before that I was a single mother, working two jobs, going to school and being the best mother I could be. He and I were just friends, someone to confide in, laugh with and talk to. I didnt like him at all lol. I thought he was too sensitive! Until one day, he was going through his own life changes and I realized that I loved him. He was dating some girl and I couldnt help but know he wasnt dating the right one God had planned for him. But wait...i wasnt ready. I was happy with my life, being independent and ensuring my babyboy was taken care of. I did that! I cant let some.love thing knock me off track or lose my focus in school. But God had other plans. Have you ever been forced to get out of your shell? Become vulnerable without your own consent? I cant explain it but God was steering and I was merely the passenger who wanted to jump out of the car! So, I had to tell him. I told him I loved him..that he wasnt dating the right woman, that id never hurt him and id piece together his fragile heart if hed give me a chance. Well, god had lead us together so he broke up with his girlfriend and we began dating. The same month he deployed to Iraq ;( but as the saying goes distance makes the heart grow fonder! Id send lovey dovey cards, goofy cards, Inspirational cards from the christian bookstore to keep his spirits lifted. Id send pictures of life in the US, hed send poems id wake up to every morning, and wed read the bible together every single night...we fell in love. Well..when he came back since we lived in different states I took a train to come spend time with him..my son loved him and he loved my son 10.01.2010 he got off work, it was early in the morning and he asked me what id do if he proposed right then. I was like I dont know? smile? And laughed. At the time my son was playing so I looked toward him. Then he said look theres your ring and pointed to a piece of gum wrapper on the floor. Of course I looked and said whatevvver lol and when I looked back up he was on one knee and my son by his side. My son said "mommy, your gonna marry him"( he didnt ask he told me lol) & my boyfriend opened the box..the ring was beautiful. I smiled so big..so did my two guys and I said yes. Well, two months and two days later I married my best friend in my state. I left my family who are my everything. My mother passed away 08 so my father & I were inseperable. I moved to.minot, we planned a baby, bought a puppy and lived. I love being his wife, being a mother to my sons. We are PCSing soon to Co sorings where we were blessed to be able to buy our first dream home. My goal is to keep striving to be the proverbs 31 woman god called me to be to my family and continue school( which im still attending) I have my associates in psychology and have a year left to obtain my bachelors in health care administration with a concentration in management. I feel like anything is.possible and learned no.obstacle.is too big for God.
Oh yea..my name is Elizabeth :) my email is modelemarie@gmail.com
Love your story! I have recently pursued one of my goals by receving a college degree and now have another goal to pursue a graduate degree but that is proving to be tough at the moment. Another personal goal I have is to become a much healthier and happier person in every way possible. Being a better parent, a better wife, and just a more fulfilled person is honestly a goal I intend to rock at :)
Your photography is so amazing! Right now, my goal is to be healthy and happy so I can be active with my family! I'm carrying about 90 lbs of extra weight and have never been active, let alone a runner. However, I love love love Disney World (ask my friends lol) and they happen to have a Princess Half Marathon every year where women (and some brave men) dress up and run 13.1 miles through Epcot an Magic Kingdom! My dream is to run the 2013 Princess Half Marathon with my husband (dressed as Belle of course) and take my son to Disney with us. For a girl who couldn't run to the mailbox I'm starting slow, but I have so much support and such a positive reward, way better than staring at that depressing scale! I'm up, moving, and starting to love myself!
Hayley L
I would like for you to tell me what dreams and goals you are fighting for, your struggles, and why it is worth it to you. Leave a comment below this blog post along with your name and an email.
My biggest dream is to find a way of life that truly makes me happy. I've yet to pin strewn a career that I love, that I look forward to every day, that I can see myself doing for more than a few months. I fight to start positive as I try out new jobs & my husband works through a posting he hates. My current struggle is complacency-it's so easy to stay with something because it's familiar, whether it's enjoyable or miserable. I'm determined to enjoy what I do, not work for nothing but a paycheck.
Aww, I loved your post! I bought my camera for the exact same reason but unlike you I don't think I'll be a photographer, at least not as long as I have to take our pictures!
And you already know what I'm fighting for, what my every day struggle is that is worth not giving up because you've been part of his life from the start. The aftermath of the stroke slowly reveals itself, we have setbacks and progress, followed by another setback and another progress. And as overwhelming as it can be at times it is and will always be worth it because Isaiah is alive. We will gladly go every step of every therapy he may possibly need because he is worth it!
First off, you are such an amazing, inspiring person. I love everything you post on your FB...some things have made me smile, some things have brought tears to my eyes. Your work is also so wonderful!! I am working on both of my biggest dreams right now-to finish college and to raise my children to be the best that they can be! I started college 11 years ago, and I will FINALLY graduate in May-I am so excited! I wish I would have realized how much easier it would have been to finish before I had kids though! lol. And my two little girls...my heart just leaps every time they do something so sweet, and I know that they are those sweet little girls because I'm raising them that way. Recently, I took them to the store and got them each a bag of m&m's because they were so well behaved all day, I told them they could hold them on the way home but not to open them until we got home. Well, my youngest daughter opened hers (she's 2), when she got out of the car she spilled the whole bag on the ground. She didn't cry or throw a fit, but just had the saddest look on her face. I wanted to just take her back to the store to get her more, but I knew I had to tell her they spilled because she opened them and she should have listened to me when I told her not to...so I said it. Then my oldest daughter (she is only 3) came up to her, touched her shoulder and said "Don't worry Avy, I'll share mine with you". My heart melted.
I have been blessed to have my childhood dream full filled. Ever since I could remember all I ever wanted was to be a dancer. And with the help, love, and support of my parents I saw my dream come true. I not only dance professionally but I was a Las Vegas Showgirl. Now I have a government contract to teach dance. With my childhood dream coming true, in 2010 I found out a new dream and I have slowly watched it come to life. I started doing makeup one my self from a very young age, for dance. Now I have a second business doing for others. While it has been a scary new path for me I am finding my way and taking steps to get more education and become a better artist. I am learning for others who have been in this business for a long time and one day I hope to go to Paris to the Makeup Forever School and start my own cosmetic brand. And Thanks To You Nelly I am able to share my new dream with others.
K,I'm going to pour my heart out to ya, one of my struggles is self confidence id love to go to school to do some kind of nursing one thing holding me back i don't feel Im good enough or smart enough to make it through the classes, the most important struggle is my family, I do not know my mother and always had a distant relationship with my dad and my only sister. No one my family talks to me to this day. Ive tried to have a relationship with the members of my family that would talk to me which is my dad and my sister and it failed i was the only one trying. i just got called a Bi*%h and never to talk to her again and dad no longer wanted anything to do with me. So it means everything to me to make as many memories with my husband and baby girl as possible. something i never got. I want her to be able to show her babies the happy times we had as a family, something we never did growing up.
My minor dreams and goals vary from day to day. My major goal is to raise my son to be a wonderful man, to care for him the best way I can and to give him all the love I have. Life as a single mother is hard work, especially if you are active duty. So the time I get with my son is precious to me and I love every minute of it. My dream is to make a career out of the Air Force, get my degree in aerospace or civil engineering, and have a happy life with my son. :) Nelly you are amazing and I love working with you!
Hey lady!first I wanna say I love ya.your an amazing person with an amazing heart!my goal is to be healthy for my children so I can always be there for them and for them to be healthy and successful in life.I'm about to embark on a life style change and hope to be more healthy next year.your awesome and I love you just how you are!I can wait to see you in a few weeks!
Nicole McCarson
My dreams and goals in life will have to be that I would love to the half the person my mother is. She is my hero and the hardest working person I have ever known. I wish one day I could be like that with my own children. I am afraid I wont be able to be there for them and provide for them. They are my world and I would be lost without them.
Hi. My name is Naomi Rose.
My biggest struggle right now is getting used to this new world I live in. I came from a place so warm and cozy. But I am adapting well and every single day I am being taught to be filled with gratitude for the many blessings the Creator has given me.
My future is bright for this long road of life ahead of me. I sleep just shy of 18 hours a day. So let me tell you, I dream A LOT!! However, I like to keep my dreams to myself. I can tell you my dreams are big and today's successes are only the beginning.
My name is Naomi Rose. I am 8 Days Old. You can reach my mommy at
My dreams and goals in life are simple. To raise my son to become a healthy/respectful young man. To make everybody I come into contact with happy or to help them an any way shape or form. Even if I don't like that person. My struggles have been that I care more about other people then I do about my self so my health has gone down hill some. I believe seeing my son grow happy and healthy and putting a smile on somebody's face is by far the most amazing thing to do. Each day I make my dreams come true little by little.
Kylee Vengels.
Your photos are amazing. You have a God given talent. I love looking at your photos.
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