Congrats to yesterday's winner: LEAH!!!! You are the winner of a free 11x14 lustre print.
There has been a a criticism of Christmas celebrations are becoming highly materialistic in nature and the true meaning of Christmas is lost. There is only exchange of gift rather the warmth of compassion, sending of cards perfunctorily rather than out of love, hosting Christmas parties instead of reaching out the hands of help to the unprivileged ones. I've heard and read of a few stories that speak of angels. One of the story is about a mother of six who had been a state of misery and poverty and has to go through much difficulties to earn the livelihood. Christmas was just round the corner and the mother had almost no money to buy gifts for the children. She managed to arrange some old toys which she painted and decided to give the children as Christmas gifts. Miraculously on the night of Christmas Eve, while returning home from her work, she found her car loaded with Christmas presents, food and clothes for her family! Indeed, there are angels beside us who take care of us but we don't see them all the time.
For today's giveaway entry, please comment who do you consider your angel to be. :) Again, please leave your name and email, should you win. Today's (Dec. 14th) prize will be a free 11x14 collage on a disc with copyright release. :)Again, this is for past and future clients. <3
My angel is my mommy. After almost losing her at a young age, I truly began to appreciate her. She has taught me how to love, patience, and how to be a good mother to my new daughter. I would not be the person I am today without her daily love and support!
My Christmas angel is someone I'll never know. When we lived in Colorado my mom was raising 3 kids on her own. Our dad had left us and we had to sell my moms dream business. Christmas crept closer and closer, I was about 10 years old. Everyday I would look under the tree and see nothing. Someone in our community reached out and bought us Christmas presents. That's when I realized that Christmas wasn't about gifts and materials. It's about family and being together. That is something I want to teach my son when he gets older. I really wish people knew the true meaning of Christmas , or any religious holiday for that fact.... Materials only last a few years but family bond ness lasts a lifetime...
I wouldn't be able to say that I had one angel because I had the great fortune to grow up in a town full of them. I am from a small town in Montana which is one of the last truly good places, where no matter what the situation you always had someone there to love and support you. One example that will forever stick in my mind is when our music teacher Ms. Karla was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer the senior class from that year chose to skip their senior class trip and instead donate all the money they had raised since elementary school to help pay for her treatments. The town pulled together to help her family, her husband and her children get by day to day without ever wondering what they would get in return. Even though Ms. Karla passed away from her disease, she showed all of us what was really important in our lives and showed us just how far one simple act could ripple through the world.
My angel is my mother, she may not be with me and I miss her dearly but at least I know she is watching over me and my son from above :) holidays are especially hard without her but 14 years later I have come to the conclusion that at least we have a guardian angel! mrs.jessica.bean@gmail.com
I consider my husband to be my angel. He has giving me so much the last 3 years and I couln't be happier. He gave me my daughter that I love so much and an amazing life. Very thankful for him.
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