My apologies for not posting before. IN between recitals and Christmas shopping as well as other stuff I've been very busy. To make up for it, today's giveaway will include Free Sitting fee. All you will need to pay is your order. This applies to any session. :)
COmment below on what it is that has you busy this holidays and why you are not complaining but just loving it!
MAKE sure to leave EMAIL and name.
What has been busy this holiday season is working. I like to keep busy and just stay focus on the big picture. To me holidays arent about how much money we spend on each other but what good we can do and appreciate each others company.
Baking is keeping me SUPER busy this Christmas season! I have so many yummy goodies to make for the various Christmas parties and get togethers we have been going to. Thank goodness I LOVE baking (and eating of course!)
Jamee Lynch Moore
What's keeping me busy is my two handsome little babies.Having a 2 year old and a 9 month old sure is a good way to stay active.But I'm not complaining because they are my world and I had such a hard time getting pregnant with one and then I got blessed with 2.I truly feel like the luckiest person in the world!:)
Nicole McCarson
EVERYTHING has me busy this season. Running to doctors appointments with Isaiah, seeing his Infant Development Program nurse once a week, physical therapist here, case manager there. In between it all we have the usual Christmas craziness with addressing and sending out Christmas cards, packing gifts, baking cookies and making costumes for Nia's Christmas program. Oh yeah, have I mentioned decorating the house? This year we will have friends over for a Christmas dinner so that will have me busy too. Lol, I didn't realize how busy I was til now! I wouldn't have it any other way though. My kids are my biggest gifts, you know why! I'm just grateful they are alive and healthy today. If that means running around like a headless chicken, I'll do it any day of the year!
What's kept me busy? The neverending clean up detail. I don't mind it at all though. I'm cleaning up after my kids and my husband. This time last year was my first time to go through a "deployment" and it was just me and my chunks and it was what seemed to be the worst winter ever. My husband has strung wires and computer parts, discarded electronics boxes EVERYWHERE. But I don't mind, because he's here this Christmas and I can yell at him. :)
Rose Ann Preyer
My five kids are keeping me busy this holiday season! Running around with my oldest daughter with her dance schedule and just recently her jam packed rehersal schedule for "Wicked" that I absolutely loved! Making home made XMas ornaments with my 3 babies hand prints in them to send to family across the country who have not even seen my 2 month old yet. Planning XMas get togethers and reading old XMas stories to my little boy that is very intrigued with the history of the holiday. We are so blessed to have so many little ones that are so excited about all the magic of the holiday season and that keeps the magic alive for us in our hearts :)
What isint keeping me busy? I have 2 toddlers ages 3 and 4. Between them, my full time job, being 8 months pregnant, and a husband who is out in the field 4 days at a time, Christmas shopping, Christmas dinners and family visits, there isint time for much. I'm not complaining because this is the life I love. I am happy to have a family to celebrate this busy holiday season with!
Britney sanders
What is keeping me busy is my wonderful 4 month old and 3 year old step son. Who I am trying to start traditions with around the holiday season like I had growing up. Such as helping with cut out cookies, putting up the tree, picking out a new ornament to add to his colection. Just to name a few.
I would have to say that my work had been keeping busy as well as having one healthy baby and one sick baby. I'm so glad that I'm sometimes a 'worrier' type of mom. Since I am, I'm so glad I took my 6m baby girl in to to get her checked over and avoided a better mess of an illness! Right now, she requires certain medication and makes me want to speed home to help take care of her but also speed to work to make sure we have that extra cushion money! So even though one of my girls is healthy and one sick, we are still able to enjoy out time together and make our 1st annual gingerbread house and learn Christmas songs!
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