Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One Smart and Talented Top Model

As most of you know, I've had the pleasure of working with many models-both successful and aspiring. It's been such a great journey for me shooting these super talented beings. I love working with models because they bring so much energy to the shoot. It is such a positive energy of amazing self esteem and it is contagious!!

This shoot was no different. Ahhhh... this girl is just beautiful!!! Obviously you guys can see the physical part. However I am not just talking about the physical but even more so, the emotional and mental being of this girl. She has a good head on her shoulders and knows what she wants. I have already warned her she cannot forget me when she goes big!!! :D xoxoxo

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Aww you are too kind and trust me I won't forget u Nelly =)

{The Stunning Ms W}

Most of what makes people uncomfortable about others often has nothing to do with the person they are judging and ALL to do with their own...