Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Hero

I have came to know many people who I look up to and admire. People I can say I truly and honestly would be so honored to be one tenth of the way they are. This is so true when it comes to my mother. She is my true hero like no other. Raising eight children and teaching each and every one of them to be kind, generous, look beyond color, race, financial status and so on. She also taught me how to be a great mother by being one. She led by example.

To her, I say the following.

You have taught me many valuable lessons, but there are a few specific ones I recall. Now these may be lessons that you don’t even
realize you taught me, but you did. And I must say, I have never forgotten them and have made sure that my children learn them as well.

So many things I want to say, but for now, one small but yet important thing--- I love you !!!!

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{The Stunning Ms W}

Most of what makes people uncomfortable about others often has nothing to do with the person they are judging and ALL to do with their own...