I have been in such a debate with myself. I thought it was weird, but found there are others that feel just as I do. I didn't realize how much in love I am with photography until just a few moments ago. I mean I knew I loved it and it made me happy. But I hadn't truly begin to understand the complexities of this love of mine.
For those of you who know me, I am a go lucky, happy person. Most of the things in my life happen to be just extraordinary. I have many wonderful acquaintances. I have a handful of people who I call friends, who even though we may not see each other as often as we'd like, in our hearts, we are inseparable. My brothers and sisters (7 of them) who have truly always being there for me. And that no matter what, I will always be their baby sister, LOL. My brother and sisters in law who have become just like blood family, they are amazing human beings and the little human beings they have created--- my nieces and nephews (which I have plenty). My parents, who I love with all of my heart and raised me to be a responsible caring woman. My three beautiful children who have brought so much more sense to my existance. And my husband.... my amazing best friend who has stuck with me through thick and thin. I am truly blessed.
However, there are moments I am troubled. I am a person who usually keeps these type of things in. I am very conservative about sharing my conflicts and issues. Not long ago I had found myself to be a bit depressed when it came to my other love---- my photography. I just didn't feel like myself. I wondered why if I received almost daily compliments on my work. I felt something that was missing. It was like one of those empty feelings you get in your stomach when you feel something is wrong. The feelings came and went. I can't say it is completely gone.
I wondered and thought; thought and wondered. What could this be? Today I saw a video. And yes, I do cry every now and then when I see something sad, but I am not one of those persons who cries for everything. IT was a video that maybe to most, it is just something nice or boring to see. However, to me, it was a video that opened my eyes to what my empty feeling was. And I CRIED. Silly girl you must think. Well yes... silly indeed. LOL. I cried because I finally pin pointed what had been bothering me, and you know what? I was happy that I finally found out because now I know I am not the only one with these troubles. SOme of you reading this may not have photography as your love but there may be some other passion you have that you may know what I am talking about. Maybe I can best explain the discovery I made moments ago by sharing the video with you. Yes, at the beginning it may seem weird and boring, but stick it out. Listen to it while there are no interruptions and listen to it carefully. You may not cry as this silly girl but I think it puts things in a different light, a different perspective in a passion you may have or just an everyday life thing. The part that hit me was towards the end, but in order to understand it, you must listen to it all.This particular video pertains to photography in itself, but.... Let me stop messing it up for you.