A great and very talented photographer told me you never stop learning. THat is why I always consider myself a work in progress. LOving every step of my journey, learning every step of the way. I had mentioned before that photography has allowed me to meet some amazing people. I say it once again. I went to a workshop to continue my learning progress and am just so blessed to have met amazing people there. People just like me, sharing my passion for photography. Not to mention our teacher. I am speechless at how amazing he is. The workshop was such a breathtaking experience for me. I have learned a lot and have a hunger to learn even more. I put into actions the knowledge from the workshop. I am just so very excited to see all of the results. This model was just super nice and sweet-- not to mention beautiful and professional. She was just a sweetheart that I know is going to get so very far and I hope she remembers me when she makes it in the big time.
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