So I guess the 3 major points I’d like to make are that:
1) Photoshop is amazing, period. But, you have to begin with a good photo. And yes, a better camera takes a nicer photo but you need to know how to use it. I get many comments that I must have a really nice camera. I do, and it takes phenomenal photos. But, if I used the auto setting and had no idea how to light my subject they wouldn’t be as good.
2) Photoshop enables you to edit your photos in so many ways!! Some people may prefer the original image. I personally love lots of color in my pictures, although occasionally I like the vintage look. You have to find a photographer whose style you love, and know what kind of a look you’re going for.
3) Custom photos cost more than Walmart, Sears, JC Penney, etc., because you are getting a custom look (you can choose the location of your photo shoot, bring your own props, have your own “theme”, etc) AND because all this tweaking in photoshop takes time. I have included two photos below. One is straight out of the camera (whish is still nice) and the other is after a bit of tweaking in photoshop. The first one is what you might get in the local chain store, but the other is what you can get from a local photographer.

ANd last but not least, if you are in the Stuttgart area just want to point out some local photographers who you might want to check out. Definitely do the research and compare, but I think you will come out happy with any of the following:
1)Gaby Richards Photography- view her work through FB on her fan page
THis is an amazing friend with amazing natural talent. Gaby learned side by side next to me. She is an absolute pleasure to work with. (family/children/maternity)
2)Jonathan Lau PHotography- view his work on his fan page through FB
I have worked side by side with Jonathan and all you will say when you see his photos are WOW! He is just starting with building his family portfolio but he does amazing modeling shoots.
3)Tanya Price PHotography- view her work at This girl is absolutely amazing. She is a dear friend and a mentor for my family and children photoshoots. Definitely someone i will be eternally thankful to.
4)Imagine Photography by Kimberly Dodd-you can view her work on her fan page on FB. Even though she is new to this game, she has taken an initiative to become such a fast learner and is currently doing awesome.